Fairy Tail is an Superb anime, the anime has a lively feeling to keep interest though out the series. I've watched countless anime and i got to say Fairy Tail has almost all aspects to create an amazing storyline & characters. i can tell it was well planned out.
You need to watch Fairy Tail to confirm its not a Fairy Tale
Why did i give a 5 Star to Storyline?
First of all, a creative ideal for a settlement, Guilds though out the country, Pre-Set Year, Fantasy Idea.
its all an infamous idea that really grips you in to the Tail.
Unlike most Anime like Naruto where theirs barely any twists & always positive.
Only read if you are up to date in Naruto Shippuden
Spoiler Alert!
Pain Kills literally the hole leaf village. in the end Naruto Saves the day but also the hole leaf village gets revived???!! if they all stayed dead it would be pretty sad but if they all remained dead, That would of been a Huge Twist to the story
Back to Fairy Tail, Their is Scenes they are *Extremely* Gripping or Parts that make you go
WTF!!! Noooo WAaaYYYy... THAT did NOT jUst HAPPEN!!!!
This coming from Fairy Tail really brings suspense to the story, Truly Creative.
Why also 5 stars to the music?
The Music really suits the anime, superbly well.
If you have played Final Fantasy: VII (7) and you heard the Victory Theme you will mostly likely think it absolutely goes with it and is catchy. well you get the same kinda from Fairy Tail and the music that goes with it.
As for the Theme Opening and Endings some of them are good. Not much i can say for them.
5 Start @ Characters.. Why??
First of all theirs alot of unique personalities in Fairy Tail. All well planned and designed, during the Anime, for example Lucy..
Read the Spoiler if you passed Episode 1 or want to know the Beginning of Fairy Tail
Spoiler Alert!
At the Beginning Lucy (Blonde Celestial Mage) She uses her *Sexy* kind of Attractiveness to Grab a discount for an item (a Key she uses for her *battles* (tho that one she bought is useless funny kinda snow man xD) This Shows how much *feel* has been put in to the anime.
Then we have Natsu hes also a Main Character hes got a Lively Personality & is Amazingly Strong, but hes got a such a weakness its really funny to believe hes got such a weakness (Read if you want to know the weakness)
Spoiler Alert!
Natsu gets sick from Transportation, in other words when hes on a Train or even a Magic car he gets sick and is absolutely useless and Valuable to anything xD
These are incredible aspects designed in Fairy Tail Characters.
Animation? 5 Stars
Nothing much to say the Animation matches up to Standards it effects and quality is just about how an Anime should look like.
Recommend you watch the 720p or 1080p quality of the Series, its much clearer than the 480p/Streamed LQ.
Anime is Great and is recommended to everyone to watch it, its definitely worth your time. and hope you enjoyed reading my review.
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